全世界の平和的生存権を侵害する安保法制が参議院で可決され、法制化されてしまいました。平和への権利日本実行委員会では抗議声明を出しました。 引き続き廃案になるまで追い込みましょう。同時に、9月14日から国連事件理事会で平和への権利の審議が行われています。国連宣言を成立させて、国際的にも安保法制を追い込んでいきましょう。引き続き平和への権利国際キャンペーンへのサポートをお願いします。
We Condemn Forcing a Vote on Security Bills
The Right to Collective Defense Encroaches the Right to Live in Peace
The coalition government Parties – LDP and Komeito Party -, both supporting Abe Administration, make the Security Bills forcibly adopted, by ignoring an overwhelming majority of citizens against the Bills which might bring about war or armed conflicts.
We in the Japan Executive Committee for International Campaign for the Right to Peace, on a way to realize a codification at an international level of the Right to Peace, which is under discussion at the United Nations, are astonished by such an outrage as this trampling down the spirits and principles enshrined in the Constitution of Japan, and express a strong condemnation of this outrageous behavior. What is squashed mercilessly is not limited to the very principle of pacifism. What are more flung away: the constitutionalism, the sovereignty of nation, democracy itself, such as those basic principles commonly recognized in democratic constitutions of the modern ages. The majority in the Diet take no heed to these principles as if they were useless worn slippers. Even a solemn obligation laid upon public servants to respect and uphold the Constitution (art. 99) is thrown mercilessly out of sight.
Known as its pacifist constitution renouncing war and banning armaments in its article 9, Japan is an only Nation who recognizes in the preamble of the Constitution that all the peoples of the world have the right to live in peace. The right to collective defense condoned by the Security Legislation now adopted should infringe, if put into practice, not only article 9 but also the right to live in peace.
The Constitution of Japan states in its preamble that “all the peoples of the world have the right to live in peace, free from fear and want.” It implies in court rulings “the right not to be involved in war” and “the right not to engage in war.”
In case of the right to collective defense in practice, the Japanese people may be involved in a war waged by the United States, and be forced to engage and cooperate in use of force. Then the right to live in peace, protected by the Constitution on behalf of the Japanese people, could be violated. Furthermore is the right to live in peace bestowed not only to the Japanese people but also all the peoples of the world. If Japan came to exercise the right to collective defense and to participate in belligerent acts, then peoples of other nations would be surely inflicted. At that point, the Security Legislation of Japan could infringe “the right to live in peace” that is recognized to all the peoples of the world.
国際社会は、個人の権利としての平和権を認める方向にあります。国連で平和への権利(平和権・Right to Peace)が審議されているのは、日本国憲法の保障する世界最高水準の平和的生存権に世界が追いつこうとしていることを表しています。
The international society today is reaching to recognizing the right to peace as an individual right. What is discussing at the United Nations as a right to peace implies that the world is coming up with the highest standard of the right to live in peace as is protected and enshrined by the Constitution of Japan.
The Security Legislation in infringement with the right to live in peace runs counter to the world trend to peace, and reveals itself as a hazardous law to breach life and livelihood of the peace-loving peoples.
We urge to get back to basics of the right to live in peace enshrined in the Constitution of Japan, and to revise or abolish the Security Legislation with our utmost strength.
2015年9月19日 平和への権利国際キャンペーン日本実行委員会
September 19, 2015
Japan Executive Committee for International Campaign for the right to peace
# JALISA office, Araki-cho 20-4-906, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Telephone: +81-3-3225-1020; Fax: +81-3-3225-1025
東京都新宿区荒木町20-4-906 日本国際法律家協会内
電話:03-3225-1020,FAX:03-3225-1025, http://right-to-peace.com/